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We know what season it is

New shirt alert from _localneworleans

Still on high

Gentrification is infectious

Our unisex Gentrification Defined tees a

_suaveishere is hardly home but always r

We love festival season! Our favorite Ma

Our Gentrification Defined tee is back i

Tips on how to stay cool this summer_ 1)
Ifátùmínínú is a native New Orleanian who founded this t-shirt line to spark conversations about the injustices we are facing in New Orleans more than 14 years after Hurricane Katrina. Some issues are unique to the crescent city but some are a world-wide problem.
This is the most African city in the US and this line is ancestor-led. It was named after the song Local New Orleans by Katey Red, Big Freedia's mentor and should be said in your best impression of her voice....with a proper stutter. [If you don't know the song, you're missing out.]
We wear our voices on our shirts so we can have conversations with those that need to hear us.

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